
Rigol 300MHz MSO2302A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope with Logic Analyzer

SKU: 01MSO2302A

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  • Regular price $1,249.00

The MSO2000A series digital oscilloscope is another Best-In-Class instrument from Rigol offering an unmatched feature/value package. The MSO2000A is a fast and versatile scope covering frequencies up to 300 MHz with two channels and a wide vertical range (500uV/div-10V/div) to deliver an extremely low noise floor to help you capture smaller signals. Add a 2 GSa/s max. sample rate and 14 Mpts. of standard memory depth to its user-friendly interface and 8 inch WVGA display and you've got a scope that outperforms the competition in a wide range of bench-top and field applications. The MSO2000A series also includes 16 bit of mixed signal logic channels as well as an option for an embedded 2 channel, 25 MHz waveform generator.

  • Wider vertical range(500uV/div ~ 10V/div), lower noise floor, better for small signal capturing
  • Full bandwidth, lower overshoot(<5%), perfect frequency response design
  • 300MHz Bandwidth
  • 16 bit digital inputs for mixed signal applications with 1 GSa/s sampling
  • Max. Sample Rate 2G Sa/s
  • Standard Memory Depth up to14Mpts,Optional Memory Depth up to 56Mpts
  • Innovative "UltraVision" technology
  • 50 Ohm Impedance included
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