Electronix Express

RSR Build your own Digital / Analog Trainer (DIY KIT, ASSEMBLY REQUIRED)

SKU: 01PAD234K

  • Sale
  • Regular price $175.00

The PAD-234 Digital/Analog Trainer is a complete portable work-station. It is designed to allow you to quickly build, modify, and troubleshoot all sorts of analog and digital circuits. Its built-in power supplies, signal sources, and I/O features can save hundreds of dollars when compared to using separate pieces of lab equipment. For expanded capability the supplies, signals, and I/O, along with uncommitted lines, are available at a built-in IDC connector to allow ribbon cable connection to other boards, devices, or pieces of equipment.

The PAD-234 is a rugged, high-quality piece of equipment designed for years of use with minimal maintenance. It's functionality and low cost make the PAD-234 a cost-effective design tool for hobbyists and professionals. The same features make it the ideal educational tool for student use.


  • 5V Fixed Power Supply
  • +/- 12V Fixed Power Supplies
  • +/- 15V Variable Power Supplies
  • Output current 1 AMP DC each
  • Short circuit protected
  • 12.6V AC CT Power Supply
  • Input voltage 110VAC 50–60 cycles

Function Generator:

  • Sine, square and triangular buffered outputs
  • Amplitude 10V p-p output 5 frequency ranges 1-100KHz
  • DC offset adjust

Digital I/O:

  • 8 buffered LED indicators
  • 8 SPDT toggle switches 0-5V
  • 2 debounced momentary switches 0-5V
  • Normally Hi and normally Lo levels both available
  • TTL level clock slaved to generator: 0-5V, risetime < 400nsec

Additional Features:

  • 2 breadboards, each with 840 plug-in tie points
  • Option to make breadboard moveable
  • Power supplies, function generator, and digital I/O available at built-in IDC connector
  • High-impact plastic carrying case
  • 3-wire fuse-protected line cord
  • 5-way binding posts for power supplies and generator
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