
Wi-FIRE: WiFi Enabled PIC32MZ Microcontroller Board

SKU: 01DIG410302

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  • Regular price $79.00

Building on the previous successes with the WF32, the Wi-FIRE uses the same 43 available I/O pins, 12 analog inputs, 3.3 operating voltage, 4 user LEDs, potentiometer, buttons, uses MRF24 on-board wireless module, microSD Card, dedicated SPI Signals and high efficiency switching 3.3V switching power supply for low-power operation. Where the boards differ is in what the PIC32MZ processor can deliver. The Wi-FIRE is significantly faster than its WF32 counterpart, with 200 MHz operation speed, 2MB of Flash, 512kB RAM, High-Speed USB and a 50MHz SPI. The PIC32MZ core includes the MIPS M5150 CPU Core from OpenOCD. The Wi-FIRE can be programmed using MPIDE and with the addition of a compatible in-system programmer/debugger, can be used with the more fully featured/advanced Microchip MPLAB® X IDE.


Stats:Processor/IC: Microchip® PIC32MZ2048EFG100 microcontroller

Connector(s): USB A micro-B cable (USB cable not included), USB Serial Converter, microSD card connector

Programming: MPIDE, MPLAB X (with separate programmer), OpenOCD for hardware debugging


  • PIC32MZ processor
  • 2MB Flash memory
  • 512KB RAM
  • 200 MHz maximum operating speed
  • 50 MHz six 4-wire SPI, six UART modules, five I2C modules, PPS
  • 10-bit ADC module: 500 Ksps rate with one Sample and Hold (S&H) circuits, up to 40 analog inputs
  • 43 available I/O pins with on-board user interfaces
  • 3.3V operating voltage
  • 3.3V and 5V regulators
  • 12 analog inputs
  • PC connection uses a USB A to micro-B cable (not included)
  • USB 2.0 Full-Speed / Hi-Speed OTG controller with A and micro-AB connectors
  • MicroSD card connector
  • Four LEDs, two Pushbuttons, one Potentiometer
  • Fully supported by MPIDE
  • For more advanced users, MPLAB X IDE is available with a separate programmer
  • EJTAG header for external debugging
  • Microchip MRF24WG0MA WiFi module
  • DSP-enhanced core: Four 64-bit accumulators, single-cycle MAC, saturating and fractional math
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