MG Chemicals
SKU: 25454
Fine Braid Super WickTM is a tightly woven, oxide-free copper solder wick coated with RMA flux. Its high purity and tight weave make it fastwicking, quickly removing solder and minimizing dwell time. This solder remover wick is suitable for reworking
and repairing of circuit boards, benchtop repair and service, through-hole repair, and surface mount assembly touch-up.
Recommended Preparation
Wicking works best for the removal of surface solders. This desoldering method is not recommended for removal of solder in through plated holes. Choose a braid that matches the size of the solder to be removed. If there are small beads, choosing a wider braid will also speed up the desoldering process.
Removing Surface Solder
Storage and Handling
Store between 22 and 27 ˚C in a dry area, away from sunlight (see SDS). Keep away from moisture. Shrink wrapping is recommended for extended storage.