- The HP9100 probe is a passive low impedance attenuation probe.
- The probe has been designed and calibrated for use on instruments having an input impedance of 1MΩ paralleled by 20pF.
- However, it may be recalibrated for use on instruments having an input capacitance of 15 to 40pF.
- The probe incorporates a two position (X1, X10) slide switch in the compensating network and cable length of 1.2 meters.
The probe incorporates a two position slide switch in the head which selects attenuation of x1 or x10:
Position X1:
- Attenuation Ratio: 1:1
- Bandwidth: DC to 6MHz
- Input Resistance: 1MΩ±2%
- Input Capacity: 85pF ~ 115pF
- Max. Input Voltage: <200V DC + Peak AC
Position X10:
- Attenuation Ratio: 10:1
- Bandwidth: DC to 100MHz
- Input Resistance: 10MΩ±2%
- Input Capacity: 18.5pF ~ 22.5pF
- Max. Input Voltage: <600V DC + Peak AC
Oscilloscope Input Capacity: 15pF ~ 40pF
Electrical Characteristics
- Temperature -15℃ to 70℃
- Attenuation: X1, X10
- Input Capacity:
- X1: 85pF~115pF
- X10: 18.5pF~22.5pF
- Oscilloscope Input Capacity: 15pF~40pF
- Input Resistance:
- Bandwidth:
- X1: DC - 6MHz
- X10: DC - 100MHz
- Max Input Voltage:
- X1: <200V DC+Peak AC
- X10: <600V DC+Peak AC